BRACE-Related Research Articles

  • Joseph HA, Mallen E, McLaughlin M, Grossman E, Holmes TJ, Locklear A, Powell E, Thie L, Uejio CK, Vacca K., et al. (2023). Evaluating public health strategies for climate adaptation: Challenges and opportunities from the climate ready states and cities initiative. PLOS Clim 2(3): e0000102.

  • Ahn, Y., C. K. Uejio, S. Wong, E. Powell & T. Holmes. (2023). Spatial disparities in air conditioning ownership in Florida, United States. Journal of Maps, 19:1, 2253262.

  • Holmes, T.J., P.C. Williams, S. Wong, K. Smith, J.T. Bandzuh, and C.K. Uejio. (2022). Assessment of an evacuation shelter program for people with access and functional needs in Monroe County, Florida during Hurricane Irma. Social Science & Medicine, 206, 115108.

  • Melix, B.L., C.K. Uejio, K.W. Kintziger, K. Reid, C. Duclos, M. M. Jordan, T. Holmes, and J. Joiner. (2020). Florida neighborhood analysis of social determinants and their relationship to life expectancy. BMC Public Health 20, 632.

  • Grossman, E., Hathaway, M., Bush, K. F., Cahillane, M., English, D., Holmes, T., Moran, C., Uejio, C. K., York, E. A., Dorevitch, S. (2019). Minigrants to Local Health Departments: An Opportunity to Promote Climate Change Preparedness. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 25(2):p 113-120. 

  • Conlon, K. C., K. W. Kintziger, M. Jagger, L. Stefanova, C. K. Uejio, and C. Konrad. (2016). Working with Climate Projections to Estimate Disease Burden: Perspectives from Public Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13, no. 8: 804.

  • Marinucci, G.D., Luber, G., Uejio, C.K., Saha, S., Hess, J.J. (2014). Building Resilience against Climate Effects—A Novel Framework to Facilitate Climate Readiness in Public Health Agencies. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health11, 6433-6458.


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